Laser Hair Removal Action

How is the action of laser hair removal? If you are interested in how laser remove the unwanted hair, or if you're not ready to give lasers a shot and you want to find some information for this, than this is the answer, are you ready? Let’s begin… Bouncy 4

First of all you must know what “laser” means? The word laser is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiance. Today individuals with white or dark/tan skin can utilize lasers to remove their unwanted hair with positive results.

Nowadays many physicians using laser technology to removes hair. After some experiments, dermatology community already accepted efficiency, efficacy and the most important is the safety of laser hair removal system. Laser hair removal treatment is already popular and it becomes a special trend now.

Here is the good news: “New lasers are able to target dark black hair even in patients with dark skin now”. So don’t feel worry about that Ok. Bravo

How about the process???

When you already make a choice to remove your “naughty” hair, then a trained specialist will help you to determine what the best treatment for you according to your skin and hair type. The wavelength of lasers depend on its color and sometimes the longer the wavelength the better, because it can reach the deepest root of hair.

“The primary principle behind laser hair removal is selective photothermolysis. Lasers can cause localized damage by selectively heating dark target matter, (melanin), in the area that causes hair growth, (the follicle), while not heating the rest of the skin. Light is absorbed by dark objects, so laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the skin (but with much more speed and intensity). This dark target matter, or chromophore, can be naturally-occurring or artificially introduced.

Hair removal lasers selectively target Melanin:

Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin (it gives skin and hair its color). There are two types of melanin in hair: eumelanin (which gives hair brown or black color) and pheomelanin (which gives hair blonde or red color). Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light, only black or brown hair can be removed” (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia/ )

So, the lasers light passes your skin to the hair follicle and get it disable. Lasers light begin to clean your hair until the root! It simple isn’t it? Yeah… just that simple and it usually only takes less than an hour, but the result is forever. Really? YES! It has been approved as “permanent hair reduction” by Food and Drug Administration since 1997. So you don’t have to be worry about your coarse hair or “Bad looking” hair, and you don’t need to do shaving, tweezing or waxing anymore!!
Try it your self, be confidence and win against your “naughty hair” #1 Ribbon

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