Laser Hair Removal Preparation Tips

Planning and preparation for Laser Hair Treatment is very important. Here are some tips for you or may be the planning if you want to remove unwanted hair using laser hair device:

  • Collect information about Laser Hair removal
  • Seek for the best doctor or therapist who has dermatology certificate or at least in similar specialty
  • Choose clinic that has complete facility to perform laser hair treatment (machine and device)
  • Do not go to a spa, salon or clinic that allows nonmedical personnel to perform the procedure
  • You must meet your doctor and discuss about the procedure and planning for the treatment including the process (or may be you need multiple laser sessions) and maintenance treatment after that and also the variable that response to the treatment
  • Write down your questions or prepare some notes and what the doctor’s answers or the arrangement for that
  • Please make sure that your doctor will be available during the laser process
    If your doctor or therapist need some help, make sure that the assistants have licensed, at list they are trained well to perform the procedure
  • Don’t do waxing, plucking or electrolysis for about three or four weeks before doing laser hair treatment
  • To get the best result, you can shave the day of the process, because one of the factor that influence the efficacy of laser treatment is hair are visible and will be better if it shaved shortly
  • For some people who have a tan, it will be better if you wait until tan fades completely before doing the process (about six weeks). Because the tan will increase risk and side effects (blistering and discoloration)
  • Follow the procedures and what you doctor suggested

So, we must have a good planning (collect information of hair removal, choose the right therapist/doctor/clinic) so the process of activity (using the laser hair device and treatment before and after using laser hair) will have a good result (“Bad, coarse and ugly” hair lose forever!) Or maybe we can say “The Independence Day”???

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