What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal when it first available in the mid 1990s after some experiment for hair laser removal treatment for about 20 years, was limited to light skinned for individuals with dark hair or darker skin. Why? Because early generation of Laser Hair Removal technology were unable to distinguish between skin pigment and hair follicles and led to the burning for peoples with darker skin.

Nowadays this all has already changed.
With more experiment and the improvement of technology, advent of the new laser hair removal treatment system which have excellent results for individuals with dark skin and dark hair. So, for you with dark hair or you have some darker skin, you don’t have to be worry, it’s “NO PROBLEMO” (“, ) at all !! Wakka Wakka

Ok, I just want to share some information before we go to the “Primary Topic”.
We know that there are some ways to remove unwanted hair from our body:

1.Depilating, that is the way to remove hair only above the surface of the skin, such as:

  • Shaving, the way to remove hair using the shaver. I think everyone know this way, because this is the most popular way isn’t it? ;)
  • Depilatory cream or chemical depilatory, that is the way to remove hair by using some cream which work with breaking some protein chains that provide strength for hair. This cream will make the hair disintegrated, usually it’s only for about 1-2 weeks, but this is a very strong effect cream, so be careful if you have sensitive skin.

2.Epilation, this system will remove entire hair until the part below skin and have permanent or long lasting effect, including :

  • Waxing, usually for smooth hair (but I think it hurt….ouch…) Crying 2
  • Laser, the result that will make you satisfy (we will discuss about this in a while, so be patient…but I think this is the best way….how about you? If you still feel confuse or in doubt, it’s ok, cause you’ll find the answer after read this special site)
  • Other, such as: surgaring (with a sticky paste), threading, epilation device, intense pulsed light, electrology, or may be you’ve known about plucking with tweezers or with fingers

For the first information I want to give you an idea how the laser hair removal works…I’ll explain in a simple way, because I’m not a n expert in this system, but I just want to share some information that I know so you’ll find the best Laser Hair Removal Clinic that will give you the best result, but if you have some information too, you can share it with me, I’ll be glad to hear that.

Ok, let me tell you in simple way that there are some kinds of lasers that come in different shapes and sizes. These lasers use different wavelengths of light. All laser systems emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed by the hair. The laser energy is then transformed into heat that can disable the follicle (lasers light used to stop the growth of hair from its roots).

But you must smart to choose the best laser removal treatment because some lasers utilize a cooling device and some do not. What is the matter?? Lasers that utilize a cooling device will help to protect the skin by cooling the upper layers providing the patient with increased comfort. This cooling selectivity helps to protect the skin while effectively treating the unwanted hair. I think everyone want to remove unwanted hair but also want to get some comfort in the remove hair process. This is what I mean that “Laser Hair Removal” is the best choice for remove hair, and lasers are safe and effective to remove hair without “PAIN”! ^_^
Ehm…It’s sound interesting isn’t it? For more confidence to make a good choice, for our best performance, you can get some information by reading my other articles. Ok…. See ya…


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