Basic Laser Hair Removal Facts

Laser hair removal is being seen as the latest in permanent hair removal. It is also advertised as an alternative to constantly shaving and waving your legs and other areas of the body. It certainly has advantages but you should be aware of laser hair removal facts before jumping in.

Not everyone who offers laser hair removal services is qualified or skilled enough to do so. It is also not a miracle cure all that some advertising claims make it out to be. You need to treat any claims given by salons and beauty centers with caution and scepticism.

How it Works

Laser hair removal works very simply. A handheld device that looks very much like the one used in ultrasounds is held above the skin. Light at a specific wavelength is delivered from the device and seeks any dark material.

This is usually the pigment in hairs. Because of the nature of the treatment it is one of the laser hair removal facts that gray, blond, and red hair cannot be targeted with a laser. The pigments are non existent or too light for the treatment. For this treatment to be successful your skin should also be light colored.


Laser hair removal facts prove that this method can be very satisfactory to consumers when it is performed by the right people. An unskilled and untrained person can give you disappointing results.

The advantage of using this method is that regrowth is often lighter and of a finer texture than the original hair. An advantage that other hair removal methods do not always provide. It can also be done fairly quickly and over relatively large areas of hair like the backs of legs.


Laser hair removal information stresses the importance of finding someone qualified to perform the procedure. This is because when done improperly the side effects can be quite serious. There is a possibility of causing burns, lesions, and skin discoloration that looks patchy.

Some people find this procedure quite painful, which is another disadvantage. Laser hair removal facts are not comprehensive enough, and studies have not been carried out to determine the long term effects of the treatment. Although tissue surrounding a hair follicle is not supposed to be affected, there is insufficient date to totally prove this.

This procedure is seen as a cosmetic one by many states and you should check how your state regulates the procedure. Check that whatever facility you intend to go to check out with all the laser hair removal facts you have. It should not make quack claims about totally permanent hair removal.

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  1. Chrisvinia // November 16, 2008 at 12:06 AM  

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  2. Anonymous // September 17, 2009 at 1:57 AM  

    hey that was good post.I did my laser hair removal treatment at skintologyny day spa in manhattan.It was awesome.go through this

    For more visit Laser Hair Removal New York

  3. Farheen Affan // December 17, 2009 at 2:19 AM  

    Laser hair removal has become extremely popular because of its efficacy and speed. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses an intense pulsating laser light beam that passes through the skin to remove unwanted hair. The laser light targets dark pigment called melanin in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle, the intense heat destroys the hair follicle instantly. The laser energy passes down the hair shaft and is absorbed by hair follicles that are in the active growth phase, thereby disabling the hair follicle in the deeper layer of the skin. In most cases, minimal pain should be experienced and no anesthesia is required in the laser hair removal treatment.

    For more details you can visit laser hair removal new york today.

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  5. Rachel Taylor // July 10, 2020 at 1:20 AM  

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  6. Rachel Taylor // July 10, 2020 at 1:20 AM  

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  7. Britney Jones // July 15, 2020 at 11:36 PM  

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  8. Carina Chiara // July 29, 2020 at 4:21 AM  

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  9. Carina Chiara // July 29, 2020 at 4:22 AM  

    I am also looking for hair removal product to remove my chin hair growth.

  10. Smith Shelly // July 30, 2020 at 1:01 AM  

    Laser treatment is very much in and it is very helpful in boosting your confidence.