Laser Hair Removal Risk

Why does laser hair removal have some risks??
Of course, every activity has some risks, so that’s why we need some planning ( See
“Laser Hair Removal Preparation Tips”) including in using laser treatment to remove unwanted hair.

There are many methods of laser hair removal ( See
“Laser Hair Removal device”). Some of them can cause medical problems, already “expired”, or still in testing phase, and even have very high costs. That’s why you should know and collect some information to seek the advice from a qualified and trained therapist or doctor who is certified in dermatology or similar specialty and the best laser hair clinic that has facility (laser hair machine and device) which is suitable for you.

Complication of laser hair removal is vary from person to person, but they are rare happened if you choose the right therapist/doctor, and do according to the procedure. There are:

  • Sometimes you may feel pain in laser hair removal process
  • Bleeding during the laser process is extremely rare, as is the possibility of infection resulting from laser treatment
  • Swelling around the hair follicle due to excessive fluid (perifollicular edema) is rare after the treatment
  • burning the skin / darkening the skin (hyperpigmentation) is usually a temporary conditions and rare
  • discoloring for dark skin or Lightening of the skin (hypopigmentation – white spot), is a temporary effect
  • Regrowth of the hair after treatment, and some case new hair may be lighter or finer color, it can be treated using additional laser treatment
  • Some acne (bacterial infections) may occur
  • Skin texture changes, but it’s rare
  • redness and inflammation (erythema) may occur, and lasting one to three days
  • Scarring or permanent skin pigment change is very rare
  • Other temporary effect is crusting or scabbing

If one or more of the side effects happen to you, then you must consult and talk to your doctor/therapist as soon as possible. Talking Through

If you are planning to try a laser hair treatment and you read this article, please don’t feel afraid, because all of the side effects will not happen if you have a good planning, choose the right clinic, and do the best procedure. A-ha!

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